I've spent the last couple days after school refreshing my hope for the world with the person I hold closest and dearest to my heart:
My soul mate and best friend Brian.
He is my hero and my strength, because he saved my life.
Everyday he brings me hope and makes me smile by simply the thought of him.
Anyway... today was like the fixer of the mediocre day we had yesterday.
And I haven't said it in awhile so:
I never cease to be amazed at the fact that everyday with Brian,
I fall in love with him even more.
bitch rant:
I'm seriously getting sick of all the underclassmen... but I'm sick of complaining.
So... ugh...
happy talk:
Quickly becoming my favorite thing of senior year is the Drama Room.
K-5 is like this sacred area where you couldn't be mean even if you tried. Everyone in that room becomes family and everyone loves everyone. You can talk with anyone an not be afraid.
I wish the whole world was like that.
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