October 21, 2008


i'm just tired.
i want to lay around and do nothing.
i want to spend all day in brian's arms,
cooking, baking, taking pictures, and watching new movies on
premium channels that i'll watch even
if they're complete

i don't want to be in school anymore.

i woke up late today,
but mr. lounds doesn't care if i show up late.
i spend my days in school doing jack shit.
i can't complain.

this year has been so self-enlightening.
i feel like i'm learning everything i really should be learning.

brian and i had such a wonderful day yesterday.
i feel so complete with him.
safe, warm, secure.

sometimes i just know things.
but, i never want this to end.
with all my heart,
i don't want this to end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why would it end? :)