November 9, 2008

sand is over-rated.

as are most things in life.

i took pictures for my uncle's wedding today.
before that,
i spent the day with my mom.
it was her birthday
we spent the day shopping
for a dress for me to wear that night (tonight).

i had to get ready really fast,
because i had to leave in a half hour
after we got back.
i have to say
(not to sound conceited)
but i thought i looked really nice.

there's not many times,
i look at myself and think
but for the first time in a long time,
i actually did.

i wanted you to think i was too.
i had this whole idea plotted in my head,
about showing up at your concert
and surprising you.
you'd see me all dressed up
just give me a smile;
then you'd wrap your arms around me
put your forehead to mine and say:
"you're beautiful."
in this moment i would have everything.

but this didn't happen.

i really should stop day dreaming.
it's over-rated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry.